Consult with a Certified Pedorthotist (714) 991-6252

Extended Warranty

Invest in your future...


One replacement due to outgrown, lost or stolen devices.  This plan is available through the age of 18 (positive cast stored for  6-months).  This plan expires following a single device replacement.  The Extended Warranty plan does not cover casting or office visit fees that you may

be required to pay by your practitioner. It is the patient’s responsibility to consult with your practitioner before your claim is processed as all orders require a practitioner’s Rx


2-year service includes repairs and refurbishments to your devices.  One replacement due to loss, outgrown, stolen and changes in your prescription.  This plan includes two year cast storage.  The Extended Warranty plan does not cover casting or office visit fees that you may

be required to pay by your practitioner. It is the patient’s responsibility to consult with your practitioner before your claim is processed as all orders require a practitioner’s Rx

How to Wear & Care

Your new orthotics are custom made to your feet based on your practitioner’s molds. The purpose is to help stabilize your feet and align your body. Since your orthotics help correct your feet and leg function it may take some time for your body to adjust. For this reason, it is recommended that you wear your orthotics one hour for the first day and keep increasing one hour each day until you can wear your orthotics a full day. If after the initial “breaking in” period you feel any pain or discomfort, remove your orthotics and restart the process. If discomfort continues contact your practitioner, a minor adjustment may be necessary.

  • Use mild soap and a damp cloth when wiping down, make sure to let stand and fully dry before inserting into your shoes.
  • If squeaking occurs, dust with baby powder or apply shoe soap around edges and the squeaks will subside.
  • Remember to bring your orthotics when purchasing shoes to make sure of a proper fit.
  • Remove the insole liner of your shoes before inserting your orthotics.
  • Remember your orthotics will function best in shoes that are in good condition.
  • Remove your orthotics when not in use to allow them to air out, this will reduce the material break down and prolong the life of the orthotics.


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(714) 991-6252 Phone

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